Laying Dormant

This is all a science.

Out here thinking about the Mayans

Calendars dictating the schedules like reliance.

I am trying.

Do you hear me?

We are all trying to be more than we are currently, at least some of us.

We are the bar and raised as high you want to believe you are.

You can complete this elementary but saying you’re destined for the stars or you can pursue further degrees like calculus used to define slopes that you need to speed past with ease.

But even if it’s hard, think a car, constantly on those rotating wheels to ultimately get far.

Symbols painted with diamonds in the night sky gave us purpose.

Some looked up with mathematics and lip service.

Who did you believe?

Are we more than what we are now?

Or have you locked it in and sealed the deal threw away the key.

I am who I am from now until eternity?

Heavens me.

Forget polygamy, this is the ability to transcribe your philosophy until you hit one mark, monogamy!

We are famously known to shutter at the unknown.

Well, I am grown, and the milestones got to be what we perceive to be chaos.

Maybe perhaps, we need to go back to school and study human zoology when we face layoffs.

All in all, I say this to be heard.

Reflection of self is the preservation of wealth within yourself.

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